Hanover, and other suggestions put trend lines. and when the trend lines is broken they should not appear in the graph, will stay that way.

ALF indicator for most recent versions of MT4 7 replies
Recent Candles indicator 235 replies
Recent Strength indicator 860 replies
Recent Prices indicator 24 replies
Dislikedhello, first forgive me for my english, I think all your work perfect, I wonder any chance you can put a date and time specified in parameter "historicalshift" instead of putting number of bars
I look back. thanksIgnored
DislikedHi David,
Thanks for your awesome work.
If you're considering an update would you please take care for up/down and down/up twins. E.g. like two M5 candles give the wick of a M15 candle.
With "VisibilityLevel= 1,1" they are not detected but are a swing high/low.
Often they have the same low or less than a pip difference which makes using M1 no workaround.
DislikedHowever when the objects are placed on the chart they come with a name like "RecentSR-0050672-83". Is it possible to put the trader identified "TimeFrame" that the S/R was formed from into the objects description instead (as opposed to object name) so that it would read something like "RecentSR-W1" even when trading the M5 charts?Ignored
Just to double check that I understand correctly, the object name is OK the way it is (note: MT4 requires that each object must have a unique name, although I guess that's obvious), but you'd like the object description to include the timeframe, something like "RecentSR-W1"?
DislikedAnother plus is that the enhancement is not likely to make any other users unhappy, because if they don't want to see the timeframe text, they can simply turn object descriptions off.
BTW, I'm a S/R 'junkie' myself.
DislikedOr maybe you could make it a true false option, so that other traders can still turn Recent SR object descriptions off (separately to every other object description in the chart) in case a trader wants to see object descriptions not related to RecentSR rectangle objects. Does not affect me but might affect others.Ignored
DislikedVersion 1.03 can now be downloaded from post #1. It included a new parameter: DescriptionMask.
@aquaart: DescriptionMask allows differentiation of multiple instances of the indy by typing in anything you like; essentially, whatever is typed will wrap around the (optional) instance#. The Word doc explains this in detail (see 'New parameters in v 1.03' section). The display of the TF is not automatic, but the way I've done it makes it completely open-ended to type anything you wish.
For example, you could set DescriptionMask...Ignored
DislikedVersion 1.03 can now be downloaded from post #1. It included a new parameter: DescriptionMask.Ignored
DislikedHi David,
I run Vista Professional 6.0 Service Pack 2 (Build 6002) (64 bit) and MT4 build 226. The most recent RecentSR is causing my MT4 to crash, however the previous version did not.
The exception that occurred was C0000005... Any ideas would be much appreciated
DislikedAll of this seems to suggest that it could be a much deeper problem than MT4 or the indy.Ignored
DislikedThe point it is crashing, is immediately when I attach the indy to the chart and it is the conflict between terminal.exe and vista that is causing the crash.
But I have not looked into running MT4 as the administrator or moving MT4 to a non Program Files area and trying the same there. As I have not loaded any new drivers
Failing the above I will look more deeply into the error via the links you happily provided... Thanks for the info and thanks for the help...
P.S Vista has always been a dysfunctional Operating System, it often fails...Ignored
DislikedNo problems with the indicator.... Installed a new copy of MT4 and am running it as the administrator... and the indicator works very well, and as per usual when there are any glitches it was MT4 or the OS fault.
I now only have to look to the left on the screen to determine the importance of the S/R instead of highlighting the object and looking for the objects details.
Thanks for updating the indicator especially for me, you almost make me want to be a Kiwi. Nah who am I kidding...
All the best,
DislikedThe indicator 're-paints' in the sense that as new S/R points are encountered, these (depending on your parameter settings) may not be created until all of your stipulated criteria have been met. Thus a currently displayed band that appears to have originated in the past might not have been displayed at that historical point.Ignored
DislikedSince this indicator is unlikely to be used for generating entry signals, this should not be an issue.Ignored
DislikedWhen I expand/reduce the vertical scale of the chart, some of the SR lines appear and other disappear. Is there a way to avoid this problem? Am I doing something wrong with the settings?
I think this is a very useful indicator and I would like to use it without this problem because, currently, I spend a lot of time trying to show all the SR.
Thank youIgnored