DislikedCSM (currency strength meter) is a histogram-based version of the 'Currency Strength - Giraia' indy. Download into the ...../experts/indicators folder, and restart MT4.
You will also need to install the 'Placard MT Condensed' font (included in the attached ZIP file), if you don't already have it.
The parameters work as follows:
Currency Pairs - lists all 28 possible cross-products of AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD and USD. If your br0ker doesn't...Ignored
Hi David,
I think I got this problem with vista solved by just running mt4 in administrator mode on vista and copying the indicator in programfiles\{mt4}\expert location. I think it would be worth mentioning on your first page for ppl using vista. but other installed ea's and indicators wont be available then unless all of them are copied into program files\{mt4}\expert folder.
[edit] best way i found that can be mentioned on the first page is to just copy whole mt4 folder into documents and run the terminal as administrator" [edit]
i had another indicator with similar problem which i had solved it by just compiling the indicator under vista. i had trouble mt4 finding this indicator itself. i tried various method's methods including turning virtualization off, that helped a bit though.
I know you have had wasted so much time fixing this on vista, if you can just give the source out so ppl compile on their computers, if not just you can try distributing the file complied on vista.
and let us know if it works.