Disliked{quote} The scars that I carry sometimes get in the way of my trading (pressing the button) just wish like most of us, I guess, I could re-wind the clock a littleIgnored
every one wants to be grate
we learn best and the most from our mistakes?
if i had pound for every demmo i took to its knees i could buy island and pay for residents to enhabit it as well

( above paragraph is why im so grateful forver and always to people like yourself sweede parisboy and diamond minor )
my hand what im delt will be ftmo i still have some work to do my equity is pretty wild alot of room for improvement
big spike near top was margin call .... other wise would acount would of been quite nicely at over 100% growth DEMMO ofcourse
i think you did the right thing not shorting spent long time within the first box accumulating bit soon for them to have a cataclysmic unwinding but who knows
never the less
its good to have dreams /goals especially positive and kind ones