Quoting PipRippyDislikedAfter actually taking sometime and looking over this website I stumbled accross Boris Schlossberg himself- as the editor. I am sure if you have any questions about his setups, just send him a message!
By the way, Boris Schlossberg, if you read this thread- I loved your new book. I have been making a killing with your Bollinger Band Bands. After reading your book I finally started to show a profit. I even gave your book a 5 star review at amazon.com under name Rippy.
I have centered my trading strategy around the bollinger band bands setup- so please let me know if I am breaking any copyright law by using any of it etc..
Kindest Regards,
Matthew RippyIgnored
I am so glad you found this useful and I like you variation of using 2 BB as a stop. In my book I of course use a variety of stop ideas depending on whther you want to scale up or not into the trade.