Or you need to marry

I make my own luck.
Cable Update (GBP/USD) without Idiots 25 replies
cable short for gbpusd? 10 replies
Cable Update - Continued 105 replies
Why is GBPUSD called cable? 76 replies
Cable (GBPUSD) vs Euro (EURUSD) 31 replies
Disliked{quote} Haha, eigentlich hat es etwas mit Skandinavien zu tun. In meinem Lieblingsvideospiel, Witcher 3, wurden die Leute, die in den nördlichen Teilen (Skellige) lebten, Nordlinge genannt. Sie wurden als skandinavisches Volk dargestellt. Ich komme auch aus dem nördlichen Teil der Türkei, der Schwarzmeerküste. Deshalb habe ich mich nennen Nordling[/ quote] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI8SZqNIMxk
Disliked{quote} PAT stands for Price Action Trader. No doubt he knows market moves inside out, he is so good, he can even trade when he is a sleep. I should follow he's trades, then I can say at least I've tried. {image}Ignored
DislikedGU For next week. looking at this zone to short. This week , done deal. {image}Ignored
DislikedHi, this looks like a fun thread to participate in. Any suggestions as to what is appreciated the most to be posted here? Regards.Ignored
Dislikedis this zone was draw becouse of these marked places? {image} and why it is counts as untested? is it because of QM? {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Reality is I'm a very lazy trader. I always took short cut and look forward for weekends. BTW, just came back from fishing trip (overnight) at sea. The journey {image} The plan of catch size {image} The Actual catchvalueless. {image} But the time spent is priceless
{image} How's your weekend getting along Jolita ? Hope everyone having good weekends. Cheers PAT
Disliked{quote} Hi Leos FX, Personally, I try to spend more time reading posts that challenge my own views. Then I weigh them up, as judiciously as I can, and modify my perspective as I feel led to. Most of the time, when we become completely set in our views, we stop learning. Therefore , we need fresh people with challenging ideas to give an edge to current trading styles. I welcome you to pick up the challenge. Please by all mean , post your challenging view on your trading edge. Will your post and ideas is the one pushing one's own views unchallenged?...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi Leos FX, Personally, I try to spend more time reading posts that challenge my own views. Then I weigh them up, as judiciously as I can, and modify my perspective as I feel led to. Most of the time, when we become completely set in our views, we stop learning. Therefore , we need fresh people with challenging ideas to give an edge to current trading styles. I welcome you to pick up the challenge. Please by all mean , post your challenging view on your trading edge. Will your post and ideas is the one pushing one's own views unchallenged?...Ignored
Disliked{quote} it’s a great writing, I’m in a similar perception myself. unfortunately many here on the forum only polish their personal egos. and indeed the other's opinion does not reach them because they are convinced that they are kings.Ignored
Disliked{quote} if you are profitable or long term, and if you can make a living from it you can be king. but I don't know if that's the case. Lol.Ignored
Disliked{quote} No one knew The Sun King Louis XIV was going to be one of the best kings ever in the history when he took the throne when he was very young. His dreams were too big and no one believed in him. Yet he ruled his country for 72 years and made a golden name for himself. I am profitable for a year and i can prove it, but unfortunately my capital is not that big to make a living off of it. That time will come though. Several years like this and i will be an emperor but now i am just a young king with high ambitionsIgnored