i will use this setting to test next week.
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MT4 expert advisor 2 replies
Expert Advisor 8 replies
Vegas Daily MT4 Expert Advisor results 29 replies
Can someone create for me an easy Expert Advisor? 0 replies
Interbank FX Expert Advisor how to program? 15 replies
Disliked{quote} Good morning. I'll create for this a new setting. By default: (1) buy trade sl1 & sl2 = s1 (2) sell trade sl1 & sl2 = r1 Your feedback was very valuable. Thank you very much. Take care.Ignored
GlobalSettings -> DashboardSettings: UptrendColor:clrGreen, DowntrendColor:clrRed, RangeColor:clrGray, ChartsTemplateName:JF4XTrader GlobalSettings -> DashboardAlerts: PopupAlerts:true, EmailAlerts:false, PushNotificationAlerts:true, SoundAlerts:false SoundFileLong:alert.wav, SoundFileShort:alert2.wav InitialValues: EAMode:EA_MODE_A, BuyVolume1:0.10, BuyVolume2:0.10, SellVolume1:0.10, SellVolume2:0.10 SlopeForUptrend:3.00, SlopeForDowntrend:-3.00 SL2ForBuyToS2:false, SL2ForSellToR2:false Filters: MinBuyR1:0.25, MinBuyR2:0.25, MinSellR1:0.25, MinSellR2:0.25 MidBandFilter:false, PPFilter:false, PercentRangeFilter:90 TP1InFilter:false, TP2InFilter:false, SL1OutFilter:false, SL2OutFilter:false
DislikedHi Joeef, hope your doing well. Pardon my ignorance , but is this ea base on the binned thread beat the market thread? The last post refers to him being a scammer. https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=938423Ignored
Disliked{quote} Please read at least a few first posts of this thread. Thank you. regardsIgnored
Disliked{quote} I see , how the Italian police got involved an interesting read . Hope you are successful , definitely deserved given all your efforts.Ignored
DislikedNo new feature will be added to the 1.03 version. It's ready to release. I only need test it a little bit on live data ... regardsIgnored
DislikedNo new feature will be added to the 1.03 version. It's ready to release. I only need test it a little bit on live data ... regardsIgnored
Disliked{quote} GBPCAD The trade from today's early morning. {image} {image} {image} {image}Ignored
DislikedNo new feature will be added to the 1.03 version. It's ready to release. I only need test it a little bit on live data ... regardsIgnored
DislikedYou can download a new version of the JF4XTrader v1.03 from the first post of this thread. regardsIgnored
Disliked{quote} Please be sure you replace: (1) JF4XTrader.ex4 (2) JF4XTrader.xml (3) JF4XTrader.tpl Please be sure you copy indicators too: JFC.ex4 BB_stops_(new_format)_1.3.ex4 TMA+CG mladen NRP.ex4 JFE.ex4 regards {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Please be sure you replace: (1) JF4XTrader.ex4 (2) JF4XTrader.xml (3) JF4XTrader.tpl Please be sure you copy indicators too: JFC.ex4 BB_stops_(new_format)_1.3.ex4 TMA+CG mladen NRP.ex4 JFE.ex4 regards {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Please be sure you replace: (1) JF4XTrader.ex4 (2) JF4XTrader.xml (3) JF4XTrader.tpl Please be sure you copy indicators too: JFC.ex4 BB_stops_(new_format)_1.3.ex4 TMA+CG mladen NRP.ex4 JFE.ex4 regards {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Improvements in a new version JF4XTrader v1.03 We got rid all old BTM indicators. regardsIgnored