DislikedIt's the only one I see where you don't have an arrow on your chart? Is this because you had already entered on the previous HL that I missed?

Twitch Journal - Live Journal 4 replies
trublu's trading 2016 0 replies
Another Trading Journal - Yuhu's Journal 16 replies
My Personal journal up 18% in 2 months going to start a journal 8 replies
Azzity's Trading Journal III (Azzity's 3/30 Trading Method) 9 replies
DislikedIt's the only one I see where you don't have an arrow on your chart? Is this because you had already entered on the previous HL that I missed?
DislikedThanks for the charts and the reply Vantage, you have no idea how awesome it is that you always are helping me out when I have questions. I've attached my IBFX chart to show the HL I took on GU on Oanda. It's the only one I see where you don't have an arrow on your chart? Is this because you had already entered on the previous HL that I missed?
DislikedNow I'd like you to post some of these lovely trades on hl/lh thread in addition to your record here.Ignored
On IBFX EU is 2, EJ is 3/4, Gu is 4 but on Oanda EU is 0.9, EJ and GU are 1.9. The bad thing about Oanda is they don't show you how many pips you've won or lost after you close a trade. On MT4 you can check your history and get your PL in pips but not in Oanda. Plus it's hard having multiple charts open but I got used to switching back and forth easily. Also they widen their spreads a lot at news time so you gotta be careful not to enter at news.
DislikedYou are right about the spreads. On the 14:00 GMT news, IBFX went up to 16 as news was released, and Oanda at 15. It makes entering before a news release bit of a hit and miss affair. (I am thinking of the 13:50 GMT long signal, just after the one I was stopped out on for -15....)
DislikedYa the news is annoying, especially if you forget to look and get into a trade right before a news release. Can you post a chart of what you're talking about, your trade and the other signal? Also I'm not sure what pair you're talking about. Hope you got those 15 pips back and nice to see you post here, feel free to post more anytime you want.
The bad thing about Oanda is they don't show you how many pips you've won or lost after you close a trade. On MT4 you can check your history and get your PL in pips but not in Oanda.
DislikedThis might help.
It won't work if the transaction history is too full, which mine is, but I think if I open a sub-account and just transfer funds within Oanda, it will probably work.
Here is a link to MACDoug stats, who has a thread on FF. You can see the kind of data it puts out. Make sure you have Javascript switched on.
DislikedHi trublu,
I downloaded the FXPro demo and tried it out this afternoon, so that I am watching the same things that Vantage is....Ignored
DislikedTough day today, can't win them all. Lost 3 out of 4 trades for a total of -20 but it's still a demo with Oanda so not that bad. I'll post all the charts here because I want to show a lot of missed entries on all 3 pairs but especially GU.
First up is the 5m EJ which has been in a nice uptrend all day. I've pointed out 6 potential HL trades you could have taken with the first one being the best. I took the second one for a loss of 16, but I should have moved my SL to BE but I was switching pairs to look at EU and GU and didn't realize I was up...Ignored
DislikedAlthough the "seniors" are watching GU EJ and EU, I am finding that it is too much information, and what is worse, that sometimes it conflicts. I kind of get analysis paralysis. So for now,I am sticking to GU, which makes things a whole lot simpler.
PS I placed the files into a zip folder because you can't upload them as *.ini files. Just unpack them on your desktop or somewhere and copy them from there.Ignored
Disliked"Seniors" I know I'm a few weeks short of 50 but pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseee.