quasi-official and local names (as reported by FXNews on Oanda) are the buyers. Lots of ofers in the 4800 area (big retrace from 4800 as I type). Like I said earlier, if it breaks the 4810 area it will shoot up way more

GBP/CHF and USD/CHF 955 replies
Correlation EUR/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/CHF (Humour me please... Thx) 8 replies
EUR/CHF, USD/CHF turning up? 1 reply
Using usd/chf - eur/usd correlation to see moves in EUR/USD 46 replies
Dislikedstopped out for -36 pips, but it didn't break 1.4810, so went back in short, avg price 1.4793 on this paper trade
Dislikedstopped out for -36 pips, but it didn't break 1.4810, so went back in short, avg price 1.4793 on this paper tradeIgnored
DislikedThe lower we go, the closer we are from snb intervention, and, i also believe, the lower we go, the stronger they will intervene.Ignored