4h close in 30 min.. if below 1141 its on london bear side 1142+ bulls side.. still adr room today.. its bounced to 1148, thats a bear norm.. up to 1209 from 1144 is 65 pips.. the setup below is about 3x 65.. of course a LL is needed.. and if one wants to short or long.. waiting to see if 1079 is broken or not is not a waste of time.. even if 1079 breaks.. bears may still be able to enter at 1144 later (after break).. if it breaks bulls may change mind.. both are free to do.. we didnt got back to 1181 last night, on a 1079 break its not a sure thing we come back to 1144 either ..
those who can, do. those who cant, talk about those who can