DislikedSuntrader, Are you suggesting this was typical market behavior and not the result of central bank manipulation?Ignored
Unless I can be shown evidence to back it up and not just media or internet speculation.
MT4: how to change "EURUSD" to "#EURUSD"? 3 replies
Re: EurUsd short term 15 replies
did oanda just drop its spread for eurusd to 1 pip? 11 replies
EA for multiple lot limit order for EURUSD 0 replies
NFP nice bump up on EURUSD 2 replies
DislikedSuntrader, Are you suggesting this was typical market behavior and not the result of central bank manipulation?Ignored
Unless I can be shown evidence to back it up and not just media or internet speculation.Ignored
DislikedExactly, and once methane is dissolved in water it is retained by it, reducing the likelyhood of escaping into the atmosphere and making it to Florida even less. The oil spill is 40% natural gas, so methane is present, but cows on land are a greater danger to methane exposure then an underwater oil leak.
I love all these blogs and forums spouting up everywhere warning of the impending doom of Florida blowing up because of the oil leak, but there is no scientific fact to warrant it. EyjafjallajökullIgnored
Dislikedi disagree, fundamentally speaking EUR/USD should be oscillating between 1.20 and 1.30 ... 1.1 would be undervalued, but that doesnt mean that it is not going to happen anywaysIgnored
DislikedExactly, and once methane is dissolved in water it is retained by it, reducing the likelyhood of escaping into the atmosphere and making it to Florida even less. The oil spill is 40% natural gas, so methane is present, but cows on land are a greater danger to methane exposure then an underwater oil leak.Ignored
DislikedI love all these blogs and forums spouting up everywhere warning of the impending doom of Florida blowing up because of the oil leak, but there is no scientific fact to warrant it. EyjafjallajökullIgnored
DislikedLooks like EU may have done a weekly retrace. Just tested the tenkan-sen line on ichi charts.
What does everyone think? Possibility of shorts being much stronger next week?Ignored
DislikedI didn't think methane dissolved in water. Was under the impression it was stored in sediments in the ocean floor. I remember seeing a show on discovery about this awhile back saying if a certain amount of the gas stored in these sediments was released it would create a sort of run away greenhouse effect. Was awhile ago when I saw this so I could have facts wrong though.Ignored
DislikedIt dissolves very well, more so at colder temperatures. So as the leak is deep underwater the solluble solution will form an inversion layer preventing it from rising. It will need an external force to rise as the temperature of the water increases with height thereby reducing the amount of methane the water can hold.
You can dissolve 0.04 grams of Methane per 1 kg of water at...Ignored
DislikedI was directing at anyone who throws the word around without any clear evidence of same.
I agree that one can just as easily benefit as lose from "manipulation" or perceived "manipulation". It is just better to trade price and concern themselves less with whatever the cause of the move is.
Buy the rumor, sell the news works. Yet traders will forever concern themselves with what the news was, repeat was.Ignored
DislikedI didn't think methane dissolved in water. Was under the impression it was stored in sediments in the ocean floor. I remember seeing a show on discovery about this awhile back saying if a certain amount of the gas stored in these sediments was released it would create a sort of run away greenhouse effect. Was awhile ago when I saw this so I could have facts wrong though.Ignored
DislikedPretty much any gas will dissolve to some degree in water, but eventually the water can hold no more - it gets saturated. Google Lake Nyos. The lake got saturated with so much carbon dioxide it eventually exploded and killed 1700 people; mostly by suffocation. So all the fear mongering is because some people are saying the methane will eventually release causing a tidal wave or it could ignite when it does so and create a fire storm. No real evidence this will happen, just speculation. I guess Florida is worried because they think all the methane...Ignored
DislikedI had to read that sentence twice and try to get my mind out of the gutter.
My attempt failedIgnored