Many share my views with me. But I don't share them with them...

The DIBS Method - No Free Lunch Returns 13 replies
No Free Lunch but all the Free Coffee you can drink 736 replies
Peter Crown's DIBS method revisited 14 replies
DIBS Method EA 11 replies
Problem using Dibs EA 4 replies
DislikedNice HT! I'm still long from yesterday at 1.0434, and just recently free myself. The IB was ~50p wide... just how it goes sometimes.Ignored
My friend and I seem to have the problem that the indicator (once it's on the chart) will not draw any new IB's. (it will show tho old ones up to the point of putting on the indicator)
DislikedVery important level approaching in Cable! I'm still short at 1.9534 from yesterday's IB around 9am EDT. (Just hit free ride at 2:00 EDT. Torture, anyone?)Ignored
DislikedI still have an open short position from yesterday on cable also.
Sold @ 1.9540 (not too sure of the time), bought back 2/3 of my position @ 1.9500. Had a TP to close out the remainder of the position @ 1.9460, however I just missed out it by a couple of points on my broker (Oanda). Moved my TP a little higher, however I am not sure if price will come back.
One thing I really like is the money management suggested (not too sure by whom) earlier in this thread of closing out 2/3 of your position at 1:1 and let the rest ride (rather then 1/2 of your position). One of my biggest problems is that I have a tendency for my winners to become losers. By employing this strategy, I lock in a guaranteed profit at 1:1 and let the remaining position run.Ignored
DislikedHouseTrader, MPP,
Thanks guys for your replies.
I am to check them out on a low time frame on several different platforms at present.
I will come back when its clear whether they work on mine.
My friend uses ODL and he has problems. (so have I, but I am also using Alpari, MIG, Velocity and FX pro)
until later,
DislikedLooking good on the Swissy House.
I caught the Gbp/Jpy late and then confirmed on the Daily break.
Rocking DIBS!Ignored
Both have moved down nicely
I just took 50% off both before BOE announcement.
New IB on GBPUSD ready to trade at 1.9462 - if indeed price heads that way.
DislikedBye bye to that trade! My b/e was 1.0384. My only consolation (besides no loss) was that I wasn't the very bottom tick, so I'm not the biggest sucker... that guy had his stop at 1.0383! I considered bailing after the decisive break of the 21 EMA, but I figured I'd wait for a close. Sometimes that's the right call... but not today.
ps- I love this game!Ignored