I'm now short on GU, with a wide stop @ 1.25300, with a target of 1.2325.
Good luck
Good luck
Cable Update (GBP/USD) without Idiots 25 replies
cable short for gbpusd? 10 replies
Cable Update - Continued 105 replies
Why is GBPUSD called cable? 76 replies
Cable (GBPUSD) vs Euro (EURUSD) 31 replies
Disliked{quote} after all these years you still don't get it...nobody cares about england or its bank...its all about the dollar...you've spent how long railing against that badass motherfuker and wishing it would fall so here's your chance to have your wishes granted LOL everytime trump starts in with tariffs the dollar will drop after its kneejerk reaction higher....the more he threatens to impose tariffs on countries the more it will drop because USA is precariously close to a recession and he'll push it over the ledge and create a stagfflation...
Disliked{quote} There is no sign with economic indicators that US is near recession. Where is the US recession, can you point to it? {image} {image} {image} {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks for sharing analysis. Are you referring to GBPUSD pulling back up?Ignored
Disliked{quote} People can believe that bullshit he just typed or go to the BoE website, which is the truth. He says the central bank distributes actual money to other banks. As a third grader might think, ask yourself this: how much cash do you ever need to touch? He disputes the Bank of England's explanation for money creation outright is all you need to know. Hes a banned old member so pointless talking any further.Ignored
Disliked{quote} There is no sign with economic indicators that US is near recession. Where is the US recession, can you point to it? DXY performance by presidents, does show the pattern, but it does not happen right away. Takes some time, but this Q1, America wants DXY to be bullish, and us stock market. {image} {image} {image} {image} {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Is that helicopter the same one you gave your wife for her birthday last year for her easy access to go grocery shopping, avoiding traffic/ parking in city?{image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Interesting post. Finally we get to learn from someone who knows his sh*t. Vix and Inverted yield have many school of thoughts have the view that they no longer a reliable indicator of economic recession. Could it be because majority economies nowadays are debt driven?Ignored
Disliked{quote} People can believe that bullshit he just typed or go to the BoE website, which is the truth. He says the central bank distributes actual money to other banks. As a third grader might think, ask yourself this: how much cash do you ever need to touch? He disputes the Bank of England's explanation for money creation outright is all you need to know. Hes a banned old member so pointless talking any further.Ignored