This will be my last post to this thread for another 3-6+ months, if at all.
As I pointed out in between, the pattern is the same each time. You try to point out the thinking patterns that lead to loss and misery and offer alternative solutions and approaches that you've found to work and get assaulted, insulted and scorned.
It comes as no surprise, as the emotions suffered on losses and maltrading simply get redirected, so I put no real blame.
I am reachable via PM if anyone has any questions, but preferably if you're a well mannered guy or gal just drop by the James 16 chart thread if you're willing to learn, read through that (every post by James is literally worth Gold) and then feel free to ask away.
Everyone there is always helpful and willing to support you if you show you put in some will and work of your own, reading and learning, too =)
To address a post made lately, since it's just plain wrong:
I'm sorry, but that is complete and utter BS. Not knowing (knowing how to use) TA and TA not working aren't the same thing.
There are very functional ways of trading with price and TA and if you are convinced otherwise yourself that does not mean that others should be discouraged and made to think the market is a random walk, because it very clearly is not. I have around 2000 charts saved to that effect. Many many many of them are posted on the public side of this forum, and even more in my journal and in the discussion threads in the private forum.
TA is very much real, not fantasy. Please don't misinform.
Same goes for
I already had this discussion over at
and explained that it isn't TA failing, it is the people / traders.
Elaboration and reasons in that thread and really all over this forum if anyone reads what the people with experience are saying.
Just because it can be simple(ways to make money) doesn't mean it is also easy (to be able to do so).
This isn't directed against you as a person, but against your statement(hence me only quoting the statement, not the person).
I don't like it when people are made to be spooked or scared into believing this market isn't observable or tradeable.
Scared and/or emotional trading is the worst.
And if you REALLY believe it is pure speculation(i.e. without a known, tested and PROVEN edge), then that's just another word to me for gambling and not something I would ever put real money on in hopes of making more.
Listen to gene22
taken from http://forexfactory.com/showpost.php...ostcount=20317
I'm not at all surprised FXexpat is also leaving the thread behind
As he was SPOT ON with
As for henrycarol and our "feud"...
The trend is my friend
it does it's best to defend
and protect me
Anyone who tries to fight us
is our sworn enemy
Many mock us and say:
There is no way that you are here to stay
We smile, and chuckle
We both know
it is them who will blow away
I <3 you, trend
(Putting aside for a second that I had posted to this thread that I had closed out all of my longs before his post)
Enjoying my GBPUSD long in forms of GBPCHF (+115) and GBPJPY (+61) very much so far(for anyone new to forex, GBPCHF is Long GBPUSD x Long USDCHF and GBPJPY is Long GBPUSD x Long USDJPY).
I'm sure that after GBPUSD's cousins have visited new highs they will invite GBPUSD to join them soon.
Take care everyone here and don't listen to people trying to persuade you that there is no orderly way to view the market, that encourage you to gamble and toss your money out the window.
You don't need to gamble at all in order to succeed.
See you all on "the other side",
This will be my last post to this thread for another 3-6+ months, if at all.
As I pointed out in between, the pattern is the same each time. You try to point out the thinking patterns that lead to loss and misery and offer alternative solutions and approaches that you've found to work and get assaulted, insulted and scorned.
It comes as no surprise, as the emotions suffered on losses and maltrading simply get redirected, so I put no real blame.
I am reachable via PM if anyone has any questions, but preferably if you're a well mannered guy or gal just drop by the James 16 chart thread if you're willing to learn, read through that (every post by James is literally worth Gold) and then feel free to ask away.
Everyone there is always helpful and willing to support you if you show you put in some will and work of your own, reading and learning, too =)
To address a post made lately, since it's just plain wrong:
QuoteDisliked"Technical have nothing to do with FOREX, as it is purely based on speculation."
There are very functional ways of trading with price and TA and if you are convinced otherwise yourself that does not mean that others should be discouraged and made to think the market is a random walk, because it very clearly is not. I have around 2000 charts saved to that effect. Many many many of them are posted on the public side of this forum, and even more in my journal and in the discussion threads in the private forum.
TA is very much real, not fantasy. Please don't misinform.
Same goes for
QuoteDisliked5. why not everyone earning big fat cheque and drive Roll Royce around town if the technical is the key in forex?
and explained that it isn't TA failing, it is the people / traders.
Elaboration and reasons in that thread and really all over this forum if anyone reads what the people with experience are saying.
Just because it can be simple(ways to make money) doesn't mean it is also easy (to be able to do so).
This isn't directed against you as a person, but against your statement(hence me only quoting the statement, not the person).
I don't like it when people are made to be spooked or scared into believing this market isn't observable or tradeable.
Scared and/or emotional trading is the worst.
And if you REALLY believe it is pure speculation(i.e. without a known, tested and PROVEN edge), then that's just another word to me for gambling and not something I would ever put real money on in hopes of making more.
Listen to gene22
Quoting gene22DislikedTrade the price and the factsIgnored
I'm not at all surprised FXexpat is also leaving the thread behind
As he was SPOT ON with
As for henrycarol and our "feud"...
The trend is my friend
it does it's best to defend
and protect me
Anyone who tries to fight us
is our sworn enemy
Many mock us and say:
There is no way that you are here to stay
We smile, and chuckle
We both know
it is them who will blow away
I <3 you, trend
Quoting henrycarolDislikedHowever, enjoy ur G/U long.Ignored
Enjoying my GBPUSD long in forms of GBPCHF (+115) and GBPJPY (+61) very much so far(for anyone new to forex, GBPCHF is Long GBPUSD x Long USDCHF and GBPJPY is Long GBPUSD x Long USDJPY).
I'm sure that after GBPUSD's cousins have visited new highs they will invite GBPUSD to join them soon.
Take care everyone here and don't listen to people trying to persuade you that there is no orderly way to view the market, that encourage you to gamble and toss your money out the window.
You don't need to gamble at all in order to succeed.
See you all on "the other side",
Trust price. Know yourself.