Disliked{quote} It doesn't show the whole story due to the fact it only starts from 1949 and ends in 2013, needs to be updated to show Obamas full term and Trumps term and at least start from the 1850s. Be interesting to see what has happened over Biden's term but GDP is only one metric to show a countries health because it looks like Carter enjoyed good GDP growth yet was soundly beaten by Reagan. Two disgraceful things Carter did was the scrapping of the B1B Bomber and giving the Panama Canal to the Panamanians for nothing. The French spent a huge sum...Ignored
as for this quote....like I said ill be glad to refute everything you said in the other place should you care to visit but here's three things

I think the feds data more reliable than investopedia but you can see trump and biden LOL
and the debt
Debt held by the public was $14.4 trillion when President Trump took office, grew to $20.3 trillion after the first three years and five months he was in office, and ended at $21.6 trillion after he finished his full term, and President Biden began his, in January 2021. Debt held by the public then grew to $27.6 trillion today under President Biden. https://www.crfb.org/blogs/trump-and-biden-debt-growth
you're conveniently forgetting hal that trump gave away money to every single American citizen even infants if they had a social security number during the lockdown...TWICE and ballooned the debt

try and be fair and balanced like fox news hal LOL...(that's sarcasm for you people that find it hard to pick up on)

short trump and go long the deepstate