Disliked{quote} Interesting that one wouldn't first assume that people are on holiday and having a lifeIgnored
Intraday only.
Cable Update (GBP/USD) without Idiots 25 replies
cable short for gbpusd? 10 replies
Cable Update - Continued 105 replies
Why is GBPUSD called cable? 76 replies
Cable (GBPUSD) vs Euro (EURUSD) 31 replies
Disliked{quote} Interesting that one wouldn't first assume that people are on holiday and having a lifeIgnored
Disliked{quote} Yes, what aa4fx says simply not possible, even theoretically. 400 $ to 29k in a year !!Ignored
Disliked{quote} In addition to this, The brutal truth of forex trading. I see many calls that price will swing towards 1.2000 and so forth. The truth is that it will never happen unless a sequence of swings happen from a monthly and weekly perspective. Unleash this in your trading and I gurantee you success. It does not mean you cannot counter trade, but always bare my two charts below in mind. I always trade in the direction of the monthly and weekly candles. It has helped me in more ways than I can imagine. Simplified monthly and weekly GbpUsd chart....Ignored
Disliked{quote} Could be dangerous Zeb, looks to be in full on buy mode. Plus most are still short, a warning I wish I had heeded myself https://www.forexfactory.com/trades#...ions-details=1Ignored
Disliked{quote} Wrong. If you start with a $400 live account and gain an average of +1.7% ROI per trading day, compounded daily, or +45% ROI per month, and you do not withdraw anything, you will have $30k in one year. Do the math.Ignored
Disliked{image} Subject to alterations Quiet? Yes. Underwater? No, not me I just don't want myself to look and sound like hotshotsIgnored
Disliked{quote} When you say "Plus most are still short" who are the most and where can I find this info for myself ...many thanks in advance...Ignored
DislikedI set up a level-up system for me every time I achieve +100% ROI on any of my accounts. I have now 5 Demo accounts running, starting with $100k, to finish at $200k. That's Level 1. So, I expect to level up from Demo to Live on all 5 accounts. Level 2 will be starting with $100 live account. I compiled the plan below. For level 2-4, I will deposit funds, totaling $1,000 to start level 4. Once the level 4 +100% goal is completed, I start withdrawing a portion of the profits into my bank as income, and continue trading the rest. Level 17 will result...Ignored
DislikedIf you start with a $400 live account and gain an average of +1.7% ROI per trading day, you will have $30k in one year. Do the math.Ignored