Disliked{quote} So based on your test, some of your assumptions are correct, but some are not. This is my opinion only and if you take it with a dollar bill to McDonalds you can get a cup of coffee. Let me say first that your mechanical test is a really good first step. It gives you enough confidence in the bare bones of the system to spend more time working on learning the nuances of the system. Now, what should you do next? Why paper trade it of course (or very small lot if you like). You must demonstrate to yourself that you are capable of taking signals...Ignored
- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,287 Posts
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return:
- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,287 Posts
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return:
- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,287 Posts
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return: