Dislikedyou're welcome. my bot is finally something like complete - few small bugs to iron out. using it today i did 60% on the account lolIgnored
High risk high reward
Need a kind soul to add sound/email alert to indicator 4 replies
save my soul 5 replies
Dislikedyou're welcome. my bot is finally something like complete - few small bugs to iron out. using it today i did 60% on the account lolIgnored
DislikedSoul Been following with interest If you have a mind to and time for would you care to outline the process of getting whats into your head documented down for a programing spec that 3rd party coders can deliver on. Keep your logic private its the process of your head to coder to working bot that fascinates me Many thanks SEIgnored
DislikedThanks So this bot was only 1 strategy ? Does the skeleton they did for you allow to add strategy 2 to n etc as you see fit or is the logic very specific to the Soul Strategy # 1? IOW do you now have a generic bot that you as the thinker can add to as you go along for another line of Soul thinking? Finally was it for 1 pair and or 1 timeframe or a generic whatever comes along and meets the rules thing .. say on all 28 major pairs ? TaIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hmm. So you have a low risk bot that's making 60% per day? Yes I would like to see some backtest stats for that!Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hmm. So you have a low risk bot that's making 60% per day? Yes I would like to see some backtest stats for that!Ignored
Disliked{quote} just because it did on friday doesnt mean it does it everyday. and it's a semi automated bot. still my decision when to use it. i dont do backtests, for myself or anyone else - the past does not equal the future.Ignored
Disliked{quote} That's for sure... It's the 'low risk' and '60% in a day' that I'm a bit sceptical of.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Sorry buddy - ctrader here not mt4 coder has been comissioned - expected delivery of first draft todayps, once you have used ctrader you just dont go back to mt
DislikedJust a question here for those of you reading. How many of you understand about the velocity of currency? because an understanding of that will change your world, not only in trading but it any method of making money.Ignored
Disliked{quote} 1) Truly Accept that you cannot predict the market 2) Truly Accept that the past cannot predict the future 3) Truly Accept that there is actually no skill at all to trading and it's not your fault if you are wrong 4) Truly Accept that the market is totally random 5) Finally ask yourself the question "how can i make money from totally random movements of the market" The one true thing about the market is that trends exist even in random movementsIgnored
Disliked{quote} nah, change that thinking - how can i trade this with heavy leverage and still be safe..... everything i say on this thread is to try and get you to think for yourself and reach your own conclusions.... get the brain cells rubbing together and forget everything you have ever been taughtIgnored
Disliked{quote} I also have been trading 20 years on and off and came to the same conclusions, been successful now for nearly two years with one major blip (reason thought I knew where the market was going) lost £77,000 in two months luckily it was the previous years profit, have now traded back that lossvery good lesson learnt, looking forward to reading the whole thread, hopefully picking up some new idea and posting some of my own