Need a kind soul to add sound/email alert to indicator 4 replies
save my soul 5 replies
Disliked{quote} Yeah right, your eyes opened with 2MAs then in another post say you don't use indicators. Play with your dog.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am Wags, close to Derby - you? ps, what happened with trade 26?Ignored
Disliked{quote} LOL. I am actually older than you and have been trading since I was 12 years old. I make my own money, not other peoples', so there's that, LOL. I have over 60,000 hours of chart time, in Forex alone, and over 138,000 Forex trades over the last nearly 14 years. I trade 8 pairs a day, at a frequency, lately, of 14-18 trades per pair. The last time I lost a trade was a spread loss due to low volatility, twice, in November. I average 165 pips per day across the 8 pairs for an DAILY average of 1320 pips. I trade for $10,000 a pip, so duh, over...Ignored
Disliked{quote} LOL. I am actually older than you and have been trading since I was 12 years old. I make my own money, not other peoples', so there's that, LOL. I have over 60,000 hours of chart time, in Forex alone, and over 138,000 Forex trades over the last nearly 14 years. I trade 8 pairs a day, at a frequency, lately, of 14-18 trades per pair. The last time I lost a trade was a spread loss due to low volatility, twice, in November. I average 165 pips per day across the 8 pairs for an DAILY average of 1320 pips. I trade for $10,000 a pip, so duh, over...Ignored
Disliked{quote} That is why I do so well. I understand the Level II platforms and know how to convert the activated order flow into graphical information. I can tell you it is not a London Open support/resistance strategy, nor a wma 34/200 view, LOL. Either you know how to trade or you don't. A resume just means someone hired you before they fired you for not being able to profit. Commission money from a hedge fund is an entirely different animal from trading your own money. More than likely, he was not a trader there, or was simply told what to do, lol....Ignored
Disliked{quote} sounds like someone is sore to me, I never use stops i always follow the trend, i trade manually because autotrading cannot adapt and i enter and exit on a 5 min or 2 min chart. still think you know me?Ignored
DislikedI find this thread interesting. OK we trade with the trend. I have yet to find a poster who says what " the trend" is. I am enjoying this though.Ignored
DislikedI find this thread interesting. OK we trade with the trend. I have yet to find a poster who says what " the trend" is. I am enjoying this though.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I didnt actually come on here to answer stuff or defend how i trade - i do what i do and it's my business. I dont have to do anything because i am independently wealthy as seen on bloomberg and business insider. that money was NOT earned in forex but forex has been good to me over the years. Most was indeed made as a t-shirt seller - i'm not ashamed of that, i sold over $4million worth i came on here to help with any questions people had about their own trading - i joined this place 13 years ago, before this i was main mderator on a site...Ignored
Disliked{quote} The only option you have on this site is just to ignore people you don't like so they can't post on this thread anymore.Ignored
Disliked{quote} A trend on 5m timeframe can be ranging on a 4h timeframe so do you ignore the 4 h timeframe when trading a 5m chartIgnored
DislikedI find this thread interesting. OK we trade with the trend. I have yet to find a poster who says what " the trend" is. I am enjoying this though.Ignored
Disliked{quote} that's a good question - for me the trend is the daily, the 4 hr must match and be in trend also and same on the 1 hour. then i look for entry criteria on the 5 / 2 min at a stop hunt level. simplesIgnored