If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
Texas-2-Step All Time Return:
Need a kind soul to add sound/email alert to indicator 4 replies
save my soul 5 replies
Disliked{quote} if you meant the book then i changed the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/9iicg4a8nz...ystem.pdf?dl=1Ignored
Disliked{quote} sorry, the original one wasnt actually my link or site. just a bootleg copyIgnored
DislikedSoul I loved reading your book and some nice info in there Why did you keep making changes after all the manual backtesting what your great friend did? must be mad lol when i got to the final strat info i was really shocked lol Seems greed, emotion, fear and whatever really got to you all at times to keep from what you already knew I think the biggest mistake you made was putting a timeline on it mate Want to start a new era with my thoughtsor as were both in UK meet up for a beer sometime, thx for the read Wags
DislikedSoul I loved reading your book and some nice info in there Why did you keep making changes after all the manual backtesting what your great friend did? must be mad lol when i got to the final strat info i was really shocked lol Seems greed, emotion, fear and whatever really got to you all at times to keep from what you already knew I think the biggest mistake you made was putting a timeline on it mate Want to start a new era with my thoughtsor as were both in UK meet up for a beer sometime, thx for the read Wags
Disliked{quote} oh, and my great friend tested any changes toobut not as intense - we were of course curve fitting after a certain point. We didnt lose from it, ended up with several tens of thousands off it but me and the wife were driving around picking out million pound houses to buy for the end of year three. it really was a grieving process because it was like i lost something we already had in our minds. when it was coming with the t-shirts i was totally different - just worked like hell 16 hours a day for 7 days a week 364 a year for 3 years,...
Disliked{quote} Thing is you say batter the F@#ker but batter it on the wrong month you would have been blown out soul lolIgnored
Disliked{quote} with grail yes, not with shirts lol. worked like a bst - best month was 214k clear after all spend. kinda m iss those days but i worked really hard.Ignored
DislikedI might give this a try for a week or so, with these adjustments, from the open of the day, round the open to the nearest quarter So today, open about 1.3650, Long entry 1.3675, take profit at close or 1.3875 I wish I was able to backtest, I would run a few GBP pairs thoroughly. Only need a few trending days to get ahead, or even if a day reverses hard the other way, possible to break even. Your thoughts...{image}
Dislikedsoultrader, you are running a copy-service through c-trader, from a demo account? lolIgnored
DislikedThank you again for the book which I have started to read. I did skip to the end for a quick look, sorry. Just one question, when you developed your system did you look at just one pair with an optimised entry for the "perfect" trade or were you looking for a more generalised system that would be capable of trading on multiple pairs/instruments. I seem to go round in circles with this one.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It's a good question really although not applicable to grail- we did test other pairs but cable was the best for a) our timeframe in the uk and b) cos we are british lol Thing is though you know what killed any of my trading in my years inbetween? - trading multiple pairs. it's a mistake because all pairs are correlated so when you lose you lose on almost everything. the reason we look at other pairs is because we THINK we are spreading the risk or we THINK we will make more money. Truth is it increases your risk and if you want to make...Ignored
DislikedHiya, been trading 18 years, was on here in 2004 16 years ago. Just something to do - ask anything you like from a veteranIgnored