Disliked{quote} Thanks very much, I paid a fiver for that and now your giving it awaylol.
did you enjoy it? find it useful?
Need a kind soul to add sound/email alert to indicator 4 replies
save my soul 5 replies
Disliked{quote} Thanks very much, I paid a fiver for that and now your giving it awaylol.
Disliked{quote} it still sells on amazon tho and i'm guessing you got the print version no? did you enjoy it? find it useful?Ignored
DislikedIf the market is totally random, how do you know that price will come back. Some guys get into serious trouble with hedging.Ignored
DislikedWill you show us a few trades with screenshots and explanations this week?Ignored
Disliked{quote} i like your thinking. i forgot to say to the naysayer - i do use stops, but not in my trades. I hunt them.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I never thought about velocity of a currency. Would you mind to explain how can we evaluate this currency velocity in an objective way?Ignored
DislikedI'd love to read your grail book and yes I don't mind paying. What is it called. The stop hunting comment is also really interesting,are you using limit orders.Ignored
Disliked{quote} anyone can have it for free - i dont need the money lol grab it here if you want it. http://1.droppdf.com/files/mzdo9/the...ing-system.pdf p.s my real name isnt James WindsorIgnored
Disliked{quote} anyone can have it for free - i dont need the money lol grab it here if you want it. http://1.droppdf.com/files/mzdo9/the...ing-system.pdf p.s my real name isnt James WindsorIgnored
Disliked{quote} Whipsaws are the death of many a trend follower! The thing is how do we circumnavigate the buggers?Ignored