Disliked{quote} Now let's say you are unlucky or you started at the time of the year and you lose the first two months. 10000 x 2 = 20000..........and you are left with..... Even if you lose only the first month and you are left with a $1000 it is always harder to make up for losses because your account is drained and margin calls are coming closer and closer. Why anyone would put a stop loss at 10,000 pips is beyond me. You are doing something very wrong. Btw. {quote} It is not proper risk management to gamble half of your account on a single trade attempt....Ignored
But for me, 1000$ represent around 10% of my account and the RR is good with a SL of 10,000 pips. If you hit 15000 to 20000 pips per month, you stil almost at 1:2 RR.
I know this is not for someone who only have 2k in his account. But you can trade monthly basket and reduce the number of basket you open (like 6 basket and cut half the SL).