Dashboard for a basket of MA-Filtered RSI Signals (TDI).
v2.03 For Build 600+
Alerts were different in v0.97. Here is the 600+ update for die hard fans:
- Support for up to 4 time-frames and 9 currency pairs.
- Update on tick or on new bar.
- Placement in the top left corner or the top right corner. In order for placement to work for the top right corner one must have calls to dlls allowed. Use the Display.Y value to place the dashboard lower down.
- Alerts when all the signals in a set number of time-frames lines sequentially are all up or all down. The symbols are divided into 2 sets by a separator line. In setting strict, the symbols below the separator line must be opposite to those above.
Parameter Descriptions:
- TimeFrame.TF1=15;
- TimeFrame.TF2=60;
- TimeFrame.TF3=240;
- TimeFrame.TF4=0;
// Timeframe: 1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200. 0=Do not display, or
// M1,M5,M15,M30;H1,H4,D1,W1,MN1. ""=Do not display (NULL String).
- Symbol.1="EURUSD";
- Symbol.2="AUDUSD";
- Symbol.3="GBPUSD";
- Symbol.4="EURJPY";
- Symbol.5="EURCHF";
- Symbol.6="-";
- Symbol.7="USDCAD";
- Symbol.8="";
- Symbol.9="";
// Symbols to display data for. "-" displays a line. "" removes a line.
- Signal_BarIndex=0;
// Update signal only on this bar. 0: for the currently open bar, 1: for the last closed bar
- Display.Instance="";
// Indicator instance identifier - Display.X=10;
// X position of display - Display.Y=15;
// Y position of display - Display.Corner=0;
// Display corner. Top left=0, Top Right=1. - Display.SysFontSize=1.0;
// Display system font size zoom factor. Normal=1.0, 125% zoom=1.25 - Display.ArrowType=1;
// 0=Thin, 1=Thick, 2=Hollow, 3=Round, 4=Diagonal Thin, 6=Diagonal Thick, 7=Diagonal Hollow, 8=Fractal, 9=Ribbon, 10=Thumb, 11=Finger - Display.ArrowUpYOffset=0;
// Y-offset of up arrow to compensate for font positioning irregularities - Display.ArrowDnYOffset=3;
// Y-offset of down arrow to compensate for font positioning irregularities - Display.BkgShow=True;
// Show background box - Display.BkgColor1=DimGray;
// Color of the background: even stripe - Display.BkgColor2=Gray;
// Color of the background: odd stripe - Display.ColorHeader=DarkBlue;
// Color of the header text - Display.ColorSymbol=Blue;
// Color of the symbol text - Display.ColorLine=Gray;
// Color of the separator line - Display.ColorUp=LimeGreen;
// Color of the up signal - Display.ColorDown=Red;
// Color of the down signal
- RSI.Period=13;
// RSI Period - RSI.Price=PRICE_CLOSE;
// RSI Price Type: CLOSE=0, OPEN=1, HIGH=2, LOW=3, MEDIAN=4, TYPICAL=5, WEIGHTED=6 - RSIFast.Period=2;
// RSI Signal MA-Filter Period - RSIFast.Mode=MODE_SMA;
// MA-Filter Method: SMA=0, EMA=1, SMMA=2, LWMA=4 - RSISlow.Period=7;
// Trade Signal MA-Filter Period - RSISlow.Mode=MODE_SMA;
// MA-Filter Method: SMA=0, EMA=1, SMMA=2, LWMA=4
- Alert.SetA=0;
// 1st symbol set: 0=0ff, 1=1 or more symbols with all TFs up/down, 2=2 or more symbols with all TFs up/down etc. - Alert.SetB=0;
// 2nd Symbol set: 0=0ff, 1=1 or more symbols with all TFs up/down, 2=2 or more symbols with all TFs up/down etc. - Alert.Correlate=True;
// 2nd Symbol set must be opposite signal of 1st symbol set for alert - Alert.Popup=True;
// Popup window & sound on alert - Alert.Email="";
// Email Subject. Deactivated if value is null
2014-09-25. Xaphod, v2.03 (b600+)
- Updated Alerts
2014-09-24. Xaphod, v2.01 (b600+)
- Removed performance optimizations
- Updated Alerts
2014-09-24. Xaphod, v2.00 (b600+)
- Replaced builtin indicator with embedded custom indicator.
- Rewritten alerts: Alert when all TFs have same state, for at least the specified nr of symbols.
- Replaced Update_Bar parameter with Signal_BarIndex parameter.
- Set update time-frame to M15 or lower from TF parameters.
- New IsSymbol Function
- Indicator Name display parameters
- Show no signal if data is not valid. Try to force download of data.
2014-08-29. Xaphod, v0.97 (b600+)
- Update for build 600+
- Improved corner positioning
2014-07-26. Xaphod, v1.600
- Update for build 600+
- Improved corner positioning
2012-09-10. Xaphod, v1.00 (Compiled with MT4 build 432)
- Fixed bug that caused no arrows on brokers with suffixed symbols
2011-06-23. Xaphod, v0.99
- Removed clause to ignore alerts on startup
2011-06-23. Xaphod, v0.98
- Changed alerts from symbol oriented to time-frame oriented
Alerts when one or more time-frame rows have all arrows pointing in the same direction.
2011-06-22. Xaphod, v0.97
- Display 'Invalid symbol' for invalid symbols
2011-06-22. Xaphod, v0.95
- Added Alerts. Alerts when one or more symbol rows have all arrows pointing in the same direction.
- Support for multiple instances on the same chart
- Fixed 8th/9th Symbol not showing
- Added support for placing dashboard in top right corner
- Check if symbols given are valid, null invalid symbols
- Added Display.SysFontSize factor for desktops with zoomed fonts
- Refactoring
2011-06-19. Xaphod, v0.91
- Refactoring
- Corrected arrow definitions
- Increased max symbols to 9
- Added background color striping
v2.03 For Build 600+
Attached File(s)
TMS Basket.ex4
81 KB
Uploaded Sep 25, 2014 6:09am
Alerts were different in v0.97. Here is the 600+ update for die hard fans:
Attached File(s)
TMS Basket v0.97.ex4
70 KB
Uploaded Aug 29, 2014 12:22am