DislikedI don't know if it's only Me or anybody else. But every time I show my profits that I made in a short-long term to my friends, my trading results start to drop and then I hit margin call.( It happened four times) I don't know if its karma or something similar. My best advice is to never show how much you have made or even talk about it. Just say you're doing great Share your experience!
In trading it could happen in several ways, but the result will usually be the same, a lower success level or outright failure. Let's say we have a couple of good months of profit and we already feel good about that alone. Once we inform another person we may feel obligated to maintain, or surpass, the results we announced, so we start short-cutting our rules in damaging ways, like staying in a losing trade longer than our rules allow, or staying in a winning trade long after our rules said to exit, resulting in bigger losses and / or smaller gains.
Then there is the old classic: If we can do this much in this amount of time, if we increase our exposure the profits will be astronomical. Most of us know how that turns out.
Or maybe we have a program like Trade Explorer or My FX Book to make a statistical analysis of our trading and we have a good maximum consecutive wins and losses run, or our Profit Factor is pretty good. Hey!! Let's see if we can beat that. We start thinking more about the stats than we do our trading judgement process.
Whatever form it takes, living up to expectations can often impair judgement. It has little to do with intelligence. It has a lot to do with experience. It's not easy to reach success in any profession, but if we get there we need to remember what got us there.