DislikedThe optimized settings with an 8 spread are:
- Profit 93
- SL 63
- High Low 21:00 - 4:00 GMT
- breakeven after a 70 points gain
- entry 1 pip above high /below low
- always reentry after loss

What are Higher High, Higher Low, Lower High and Lower Low? 11 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Gbp/Jpy High Low Trading System 2 replies
High to High and Low to low time cycles 1 reply
GBP/JPY high or low? 4 replies
DislikedThe optimized settings with an 8 spread are:
- Profit 93
- SL 63
- High Low 21:00 - 4:00 GMT
- breakeven after a 70 points gain
- entry 1 pip above high /below low
- always reentry after loss
DislikedNo i will be sleep ;-). I have a ea but just open one time de orders is not finishedIgnored
DislikedHello, here is an EA I made to this strategy.
Ola nicotina, costumas andar no caldeirão?Ignored
DislikedHello, here is an EA I made to this strategy.
Ola nicotina, costumas andar no caldeirão?Ignored
DislikedHello superbem,
Thanks for your EA but your EA is not accurate it needs adjustment to Nicotina Rules which is the following:
1- the EA must work for GPB/JPY only.
2- the EA gets (the hightest point and the lowest point) from after (London session) close bar till one hour after Open (Tokyo session) that is the close bar of the beginning of (Tokyo session) Nicotina Rules is 18:00 - 02:00 but it differs from one broker to another according to brokers Time not user time.
3- if today is the first day of the openning market week the previous rules must not be active according to Nicotina Rules we start from time 00:00 - 02:00 NOT (18:00 - 02:00) so be aware.
4- orders must be set at open of bar 03:00 as Sell Stop and Buy Stop not after or before that time.
5- Spread is not calculated in the Nicotina Rules so please remove spread.
Thanks again and I hope to see the modification as soon as possibleIgnored
DislikedFor the point 2, you set accordingly to your broker, where says "pb" in the parameters, put the start hour accordingly to your broker. It have default 18.
the "pd" is the duration in hours, it have 8, it means ends at 2:00. (18+8=26)
You have to manually close the orders at 19:00 pm.
The orders are placed at the moment it reaches the high or low, meaning you have to let the pc running all day, if you want I can change this to stop orders.Ignored