For what it's worth, Nicotina's GBP/USD system made it's +40 pips. It took all night, but it got there.

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Dislikedwould you post GBP/USD call also here,because your website is portugal,pls just simply put GBP/USD signals here,thanks lot for all your contributions.
best regards,
DislikedFor what it's worth, Nicotina's GBP/USD system made it's +40 pips. It took all night, but it got there.Ignored
DislikedFirst order was stopped out...correct? Now we place another buy stop at 239.55...yes??Ignored
DislikedHi billbss,
You seem to be closely following this strategy. Could you help me clarify this.
He says, if 50 SL is hit, open again. Isn't it same as opening first time itself with 100 SL?
Also, I am in Eastern time zone and using FXDD metatrader, interestingly, the bar that shows 20 hours and 4 hours are the bar he is using. The 4 hours corresponds to my 9PM. Does this sound right.
Thanks in advance for your help.
DislikedHas it ever happened that both the buy and sell stops were triggered and both stopped out?? My sell stop just I am skeered!Ignored
DislikedOh yeah. They can both get stopped out.
There are a few days that Nicotina reports -100 pips.
The +100 and +50 days have more than made up for it.Ignored
DislikedYou replace the order you got stopped out on.
I just got stopped put on the buy stop order of 239.54.
I put in another buy stop order for 239.54.
It won't trigger unless price goes back to that level.
FXDD is set to GMT+2
Therefore Nicotina's time window of 1800 to 0200 GMT would equate to 2000 to 0400 on FXDD.Ignored
Dislikedhats off to u nicotina for sharing such a great system and to billbss for helping a lot to newbies like meIgnored
DislikedSame here for Nicotina & bilbass for thier great jobs, I have made a visual backtest for the system for one year, I will post the result as soon as possible.
DislikedRight now, we're looking at 1 PM to 9 PM Eastern. That's 1700 GMT to 0100 GMT. That will change to Noon - 8 PM Eastern when we lose DST. (This weekend?)
Nicotina said he spent many long hours pouring over charts, finding that time window.
I don't know if it will work on other pairs.Ignored