Buy 135,65
Sell 134,62
Sell 134,62
What are Higher High, Higher Low, Lower High and Lower Low? 11 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Gbp/Jpy High Low Trading System 2 replies
High to High and Low to low time cycles 1 reply
GBP/JPY high or low? 4 replies
DislikedSell triggered at 131.60 SL 132.10 TP 130.60. Trade is in line with overall trend.Ignored
DislikedSystem: Find the maximum and the minimum between 18:00GTM and 2:00GTM and then put a buy stop order with maximum and a sell stop order with the minimum.
TP 100
SL 50
If close in S/L open again the stop orders.
Close the day if close in S/L for the second time.
Close the day if close in TP.
Do not change the SL and the TP
Closes orders manually only at the end of the day (18:00 GTM).
P.S- Sorry my englishIgnored
Buy: 239.44
Sell: 237.75
Close at SL -50 Pips (dont open the second order)Ignored