DislikedThis is my other system with GBP/USD:
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Looks nice. I just need a translator.

What are Higher High, Higher Low, Lower High and Lower Low? 11 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Gbp/Jpy High Low Trading System 2 replies
High to High and Low to low time cycles 1 reply
GBP/JPY high or low? 4 replies
DislikedThis is my other system with GBP/USD:
Is my forumIgnored
DislikedThis is my other system with GBP/USD:
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DislikedThis is very similar to the Gbp/jpy system the only diff is the s/l t/p levels.
Could you please post a chart for us to look on the GPp/usd system your use.
Seems like another great system with great results.
Thanks for sharing Nicotina.!Ignored
DislikedThe times are different.
It appears he looks at 2200 to 0600 GMT to get his high and low.
Maybe Nicotina can clarify it for us.Ignored
DislikedI had the clean pips too, but I was not home to cancel my short, so that is now triggered and it is now approaching my S/L so we will see. Nothing I can do at work since I can't have meta trader here. I am just checking out Oanada charts here on my lunch. I will settle for the +50 today.
DislikedI just stumbled across this system. Pretty cool. But my charts dont line up with Nicotinas Buy and sell posts. I am pretty sure I am looking at the highs and lows between 18:00 and 2:00. Can someone please post a shot of there charts with the correct candles.
I cant seem to find any candle that make sense for yesterdays call. (oct 31)
DislikedHe was mistaken on yesterday's call. He gave the numbers for the previous day. If you'll look back someone corrected him and Nicotina acknowledged it.Ignored
DislikedI think it should look like this- the bars between the two vertical lines inclusive.
The last bar to the right ends at 0600 GMT. The first bar under the first vertical line begins at 2300 GMT.
The best I could make out of Nicotina's rules was the time period ended at 0600 GMT and ran for 8 hours.
Perhaps Nicotina will see this and correct us if we're wrong.Ignored