10.0 is pages 1-35
10.1 goes from p. 35 to 92
10.2 starts p. 92 post 1367
You dont need to read pages 1-92 unless you want to see how the system developed. Most of it wont apply to 10.2 other than the basic structure. See you after p. 92
Nanningbob May 2, 2012
10.1 upgrade is found on P. 63 posts 937 to 941
10.0 Will attempt to define the markets in a way I have not seen before. We will attempt to define an uptrend (UT), downtrend (DT), and range periods (RT). 10.2 will add definitions for range trading with DT bias and UT bias. We will know when they begin and when they will end. With this knowledge we will then apply the appropriate trading strategy or EA.
If you find my system helpful please make a donation to: http://www.compassion.com/
10.2 is a comprehensive trading system that will help you read the markets at all times. You will read the daily chart and then hopefully know how to trade for the rest of the day, week, etc. I know it is not 100% foolproof but it is simple, straight forward and easy to follow.
May 28 UPDATE:
P. 173 post 2590 gives a trading tree visual. Valuable in making decisions for new traders to the system.
Further development of the system by other traders can be found at SteveHopwoods thread. Just look at the 10.2 forums there.
JUNE 1 2012 UPDATE: THE OFFICIAL VERSION OF 10.2 IS HERE. This is the same one I use and includes the Baluda indicator. The booklets are the same as the original booklets but formatting and language editing were done but the information has not changed, so if you have the previous booklets you dont need to download those and read again. 4795 of the test version booklets were downloaded before the update.
6.26 Update. The weekly open histograms have been adjusted to work with brokers that do not have a sunday bar like IBFX does here in the USA. This should make all the histograms appear the same with all brokers. Hopfully, see page 204 post 3058 for test version download. If it works I will add it to page one post one.
10.1 goes from p. 35 to 92
10.2 starts p. 92 post 1367
You dont need to read pages 1-92 unless you want to see how the system developed. Most of it wont apply to 10.2 other than the basic structure. See you after p. 92
Nanningbob May 2, 2012
10.1 upgrade is found on P. 63 posts 937 to 941
10.0 Will attempt to define the markets in a way I have not seen before. We will attempt to define an uptrend (UT), downtrend (DT), and range periods (RT). 10.2 will add definitions for range trading with DT bias and UT bias. We will know when they begin and when they will end. With this knowledge we will then apply the appropriate trading strategy or EA.
If you find my system helpful please make a donation to: http://www.compassion.com/
10.2 is a comprehensive trading system that will help you read the markets at all times. You will read the daily chart and then hopefully know how to trade for the rest of the day, week, etc. I know it is not 100% foolproof but it is simple, straight forward and easy to follow.
May 28 UPDATE:
P. 173 post 2590 gives a trading tree visual. Valuable in making decisions for new traders to the system.
Further development of the system by other traders can be found at SteveHopwoods thread. Just look at the 10.2 forums there.
JUNE 1 2012 UPDATE: THE OFFICIAL VERSION OF 10.2 IS HERE. This is the same one I use and includes the Baluda indicator. The booklets are the same as the original booklets but formatting and language editing were done but the information has not changed, so if you have the previous booklets you dont need to download those and read again. 4795 of the test version booklets were downloaded before the update.
6.26 Update. The weekly open histograms have been adjusted to work with brokers that do not have a sunday bar like IBFX does here in the USA. This should make all the histograms appear the same with all brokers. Hopfully, see page 204 post 3058 for test version download. If it works I will add it to page one post one.
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