Attached Image
15 min chart
Attached Image
30 min chart
Hi guys
I am reading other threads & rereading mine to see who people are
& my emails ...and I see one question a number of times.
why do I not use the 5 min or the 15 min stoch
I did some tests before & to my surprise the 30 min stoch beats the 15 min stoch
well over 50 % but if you take out the false starts it wins in pips by quite a bit
that is of coarse comparing using just the 30 min stoch to using both the 15 min & 30 min stoch
if you use just the 15min stoch without the 30 min stoch you will get in faster
then with just the 30 min stoch but you get a lot more false reads.
you win more by using just one rather then using both always
in fact this is true every time you move up a time frame-
so the hour stoch beats the 30 mins etc...
if you want to make more pips -less trades -more boring
this makes sence as we are taking a bigger trend
I was borded today so I was playing with a pair I almost never trade
& have not for a few months so I don't have a feel for it
I tried a tests on the last few days
1st place I came to

the 30 min stoch beats the 15 min stoch
on the 2 trades I would have taken
see above two charts
Red arrow 30min stoch
Blue arrow 15 min stoch.
I might use the 5 min stoch with the 5 min
the reason I wouldn't use 15 & 30 stoch is because it is not tellme anything new
is because they are too close.
Its the same wave & same group of traders
I have said before its not price that is my main concern
Its movition of the pair.
the reason this is important is because on the higher TF have the big money
and they take days or weeks to change direction.
because they can not let price fall fast as they would lose to much money;
they would be betting against themselve
this fact is why the princible & the practies of stoch are a bit differant.
and why the hight the TF the better the rate of win-
because you move into the banks & the funds - the big boys
this is opp. to princible but really life.
& that is why I start with the day & work down