has anyone attempted to reverse engineer the ocean indicators for metatrader?
Delta Volume - Cumulative Delta Volume 192 replies
The Delphic Phenomenon 11 replies
Convert delta(EMA) -> delta(Close) 0 replies
"Probabiliy neglect" phenomenon 17 replies
Thanksgiving phenomenon or not ? 19 replies
DislikedI've programmed the Ocean Indicators (except for the MAs) for eSignal and found them quite interesting. I'm not a professional programmer or whatever, but it was fun to do it - and the testing is fun, too. But just like any other technical indicators, without sound risk management, and without sound money management, in your plan and basic model, it's not any better than MACD or any other oscillating indicator, imho. Like some dislike indicators, I like indicators, but their main purpose is not necessarily prediction, but general timing - like,...Ignored
are these two indicstors from the Ocean or Ocean+ Package ?
I have the Ocean package for Tradestation only to compare with.