Disliked{quote} dont think like this, one thing i know every1 short will feel pain and all long as well..right till new is released and the mofo can go either way..basicallly to win u going to have to earn it!! ..Ignored

Cable Update (GBP/USD) without Idiots 25 replies
cable short for gbpusd? 10 replies
Cable Update - Continued 105 replies
Why is GBPUSD called cable? 76 replies
Cable (GBPUSD) vs Euro (EURUSD) 31 replies
Disliked{quote} dont think like this, one thing i know every1 short will feel pain and all long as well..right till new is released and the mofo can go either way..basicallly to win u going to have to earn it!! ..Ignored
DislikedShit, i neeed my computer backk to deciide if its good to short GBPUSDD at 1.56 now... fuck sake and my laptop needed too be brought to ffix....Ignored
DislikedShit, i neeed my computer backk to deciide if its good to short GBPUSDD at 1.56 now... fuck sake and my laptop needed too be brought to ffix....Ignored
Disliked{quote} http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/...-of-gold-back/ Germany wants her gold being held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Banque de France in Paris to the safe confines of German soil. seems like the germans know a whole lot that we dont, the US FED casino might just be grinding to a halt with massive debts coupled with the huge record printing of seemingly worthless US $. I wount be too shocked if Uncle Sam has already dipped its hands into the gold at the forte....Ignored
Disliked{quote} it is broken the strong resistance, and even tough the news gave less impact, the pending buystops will did the restIgnored
DislikedThere seems to be alot of you short why I don't know !! the trend was up on H1 H4 DAILY so why try and second guess?? Also the brokers know your all short so alot of fish have been caught....Ignored
Dislikedhourly close is above August 8ths high of 1.5573... if youre already long, best to holdIgnored