Anyway, don't trust anything you have seen on the internet. I have had personal bad experience from it. Even if it's real, don't treat it as one because after all, what has that account got to to do with you? it's not like hes going to give you any money or teach you anything from it.
Trust me, most of the gurus here created a nice explorer and then will build a third party website and lure you to join their private forums where they will ask for a monthly or one time fee to join their discussion When everything can be learnt for free here on FF.
I would rather burn my money trading like a stupid ass than being conned by those scam artists. For example, look at jacko, james16 and others. Just ponder for a while, why would i charge you any monthly fee or one time fee if i was already a milli0onaire and something. Don't buy into that bullshit everyone.