Hello any suggestions on how to use pairs to predict the market direction ?
Trading correlation pairs by using the other pairs 792 replies
Predict breakouts & trend reversals using macd/bb% 116 replies
Predict dollar movement using astrology 48 replies
Pairs of Currency Pairs 4 replies
DislikedMarket direction can't be predicted, study after study has shown this. Besides, anyone who has taken even a freshman econ class knows that if the market could be predicted, the market would cease functioning. The market exists because there are buyers who think price will go up and sellers who think price will go down. If everyone knew prices were going up, there would be no sellers, so you couldn't even get your buy order filled. Likewise, if everyone knew the market was going to drop, you couldn't get a sell order filled. What to do? Either don't...Ignored
DislikedEither don't trade or use a non-directional method. I never attempt to predict price direction because I know that's an exercise in futility. Instead, I place both buy and sell orders and wait to see which get filled.Ignored