Disliked{quote} What brokers are you using guys? Pepperstone has 2-3 pips spread on this pair, Oanda also.Ignored
Scoobi doobi doo
GBP/AUD, GBP/CAD, GBP/CHF and GBP/NZD thread 126 replies
Milking Pips From EurUsd with Bots 170 replies
Milking The Cable Trend 111 replies
EUR/GBP, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, CAD, NZD, JPY, and more... 14 replies
Disliked{quote} What brokers are you using guys? Pepperstone has 2-3 pips spread on this pair, Oanda also.Ignored
Disliked{quote} What brokers are you using guys? Pepperstone has 2-3 pips spread on this pair, Oanda also.Ignored
DislikedObjective : Milking 4 pairs AUD/NZD,EUR/GBP,AUD/CAD,NZD/CAD for a living Why these 4 pairs : These don't have direct USD exposure coupled with low ADX daily ranges and low volatility Challenge : To Make 10% monthly consistently on these 3 pairs with minimal DD What trading system to be used : Mechanical or Technicals or Fundamentals Expected DD Max : floating 10-20 Is there any trader interested and ready for the challenge (or) perhaps already taking advantage of these 4 pairs to make a living...Ignored
DislikedFor the benefit of all mechanical trading system added to trade explorer/account shared - described in simple 6 steps as a nutshell for trading AUD/NZD ,EUR/GBP, AUD/CAD and NZD/CAD unleashed below : Step 1 : Two trades of this pair open at market rate one buy and one sell to start with of lot size 0.1 Step 2 : Buy Stop and Sell Stop Pending orders of size 0.1 lot is kept apart at a distance of 15pips Step 3 : Buy Limit and Sell Limit Pending orders of size 0.2 lot is kept apart at a distance of 30pips Step 4: If any of the pending order gets triggered...Ignored
Disliked{quote} So basically, you expect price to move away from the current price in either direction, and the further price moves into either direction, the size of the trade becomes larger so as to offset the trade going in the opposite direction which would be smaller. This poses a risk of an infinite loop where the trade size continues to get larger and larger until the point that your broker might require a margin call. But I guess you have an EA that sets a risk limit. Do you mind sharing your EA? I have wanted to do this before, but doing this manually...Ignored
DislikedI have used a martingale EA on these pairs, all of them, for at least 6 months with controlled drawdown. It got over 30% one time however the return was great. I might note that EAs that profits this much like the 10% one that I had are so valuable. If you work enough on it, you will get great results and it'll save a huge load of time from trading in the future. My main goal was to leave trading for a while and work on something else and it worked as planned. I'm stopped using it since I can profit more trading by myself but I'm totally thinking...Ignored
Disliked{quote} {file} setfile: Comment_MultiLotsFactor=Multi Lot Factor: MultiLotsFactor=1.1 Lots=0.01 TakeProfit=620.0 Comment_StepLots=Step Lots: StepLots=310.0 Comment_UseTrailing=Use Trailing Stop: UseTrailing=false Comment_TrailStart=TrailStop: TrailStart=10.0 Comment_TrailStop=Traling Stop: TrailStop=10.0 Comment_MaxCountOrders=Max Count Orders: MaxCountOrders=20 Comment_SafeEquity=Safe Equity Risk % SafeEquity=false SafeEquityRisk=20.0 Comment_slippage=Slippage slippage=3.0 MagicNumber=13579Ignored
Disliked{quote} One trick is use the EA on different time frames for different pairs , so that it picks the direction based on timeframe and starts maneuvering trades in the direction. Typically if you have 4-5k equity if you setup the EA with start lot 0.01 and default settings its expected to churn 10-15% monthly returns using this slow movers with no USD exposure directly.. good luck Roszey! Ex: AUD CAD M5/ NZD CAD D1/ AUD NZD H4 / EUR GBP H1Ignored
Disliked{quote} Scoobodoobi, you are a sharp individual. I hope you make it.On a side note, CADCHF may be providing an opportunity to short. In my opinion that monthly range is a strong enough incentive, to enter short in anticipating the currency will respect the past historic trading ranges. (Not taking into account any SNB influences though) -All the best
QuoteDislikedThese don't have direct USD exposure
QuoteDislikedlow ADX daily ranges and low volatility
DislikedHello. Great idea for a thread. Is it still active ? Im also interested trading at least Aud/Cad long term and milking the range. Even if my range is set a little bit big, it lasts for 3 years now. {quote} Thanks. Atm, im researching all what i can find about this pair. How it behaves long term, what are the advantages aso. The biggest disadvantage is i think the high spread, or ? {quote} Low vola sucks but can also be a gift for long term trading. Better for managing the trade, sometimes it is like slomo trading compared to €/$ or Cable. And the...Ignored
DislikedGonna give the Era's a try. The first large profit I ever made was on EURGBP. It was during the Greek debt crisis.Ignored