Price is a function of orders nothing more nothing less....................
Fooled by randomness 15 replies
Best book on randomness in markets and market probabilities? 4 replies
MM - Using randomness against Asymmetric Leverage 12 replies
Thoughts on randomness and systems 40 replies
Poll: Are trends rooted in randomness? 16 replies
DislikedSo I've been wanting to write this post for a few years but I knew it would meet with a lot of anger and objection but here goes anyways. You all are living an imaginary dream. A career as a retail trader long term (7 plus years) is almost impossible, the ratio is not 5% its more like 1%. I have been trading for a very long time and the only reason that I have survived multiple market conditions is because I was mentored for 1 year as a floor trader and then for another few years as a desk trader for a few institutions. After I left the "professional"...Ignored
DislikedThe price action is random --- until it's not. Most of the time there is a random "drift" component and sometime there is a reaction component. for example gold June 15, 2015 07:40 GMT 1 minute chart Why did the price turn at around 1181.45 ? Not random. Buy orders coming in ...Ignored
DislikedPrice is a function of orders nothing more nothing less.................... atheer1Ignored
Disliked{quote} Of course that's random. It's called confirmation bias. You're looking at hundreds of charts and only picking the ones that fit your ideas and avoiding the one's that don't. Go ahead and trade based off of that. I can guarantee you that you'll fail over the long run.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Institutional Traders get paid by staying within the volume weighted average price do you understand what that means ? I dont think you do so let me explain it to you. When we are given a forward order from Mercedes Benz it basically states that over the course of a time period typically one or two days we will fill your order with no guarantee other then our best efforts. We do however get paid bonuses for doing our best efforts. Those best efforts are anything better then the average price during the time of the order and size of the order....Ignored
DislikedDo you see 90% randomness in these charts? I dont {image} {image} {image}Ignored
DislikedThe biggest lie that you have been told is that "Price movement is predictable"Ignored
DislikedThis thread is getting far too much attention, people are free to believe what they want. It's whether you're able to take money out of the market on a consistent basis which is important. I have no idea if it's random and I don't particularly care. All I care about is whether there's a possibility for me to make money in the long run if I continue to trade my edge. If it is random though, why does price bounce off my trendlines sometimes to the pip? I'm genuinely interested in this by the way, this isn't me being sarcastic? The USDCAD example shows...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Draw some horizontal lines wherever you want, then wait for the chart conform to your gibberish future predictions. Drop some fib lines, gann wheels, einstein toilets, and whatever else you want. You'll see it conform if you allow it time to do so. No need to do the same with angled trend-lines... you are already doing it. This is precisely the same thing you can do to prove to yourself that your broker gives exactly zero fucks about any orders you place. Drop a line, or write the number down, and then watch how your broker still "stop hunts...Ignored
Disliked{quote} This is precisely the same thing you can do to prove to yourself that your broker gives exactly zero fucks about any orders you place. Drop a line, or write the number down, and then watch how your broker still "stop hunts you" even though you don't even have an actual order in the system for them to know about.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Your stop placement strategy does not differ from when you place the trade. We hunt strategies, not traders.Ignored