DislikedFrom: http://www.forexfactory.com/showthre...t=57639&page=3 For dealers, its a different game, because when markets are going up in a BEAR market, customers keep making them short, their book keeps getting bigger short, but their average cost of being short keeps going up. all they have to do is to wait for the trend to enforce and when the market returns to the point where the buying started , he would make nearly the amount of money that made him short in the first place. For this to happen, he has to have a book big enough to accommadate...Ignored

Thanks mehdi, I know you are in the 'worse scenario' I mention to you, well things should be okay if you practice mone and risk management.
DislikedMehdi, Who are you trying to kid....... It is no use to show only closed trades, but current ones as well. You have lost all your gains in one day....lolIgnored
New EA setup over this week
The key thing of forex trading is to consistently making profit rather than 1 shot wind fall , many traders can't show their live result and can speak a lot of theory but know the strong front put out there is nothing more important than having money in our pocket.
Have a nice weekend and stay strong

Trading is something special.