First up... Then down... Not like 1.2700s, just simle down. Come Feb 2014, we wil know more...
MT4: how to change "EURUSD" to "#EURUSD"? 3 replies
Re: EurUsd short term 15 replies
did oanda just drop its spread for eurusd to 1 pip? 11 replies
EA for multiple lot limit order for EURUSD 0 replies
NFP nice bump up on EURUSD 2 replies
Disliked{quote} I wasn't commenting on ur call towards 3711 - actually i wasn't aware of it, you write too much numbers that i almost think i read all the possible and impossible numbers as calls ... Don't get upset, people get lucky from time to time!Ignored
Disliked{quote} A No answer for it , you want me to explain why your number worked the spike stopped there ... i don't understand the question, there wasn't anything !Ignored
Disliked{quote}we had one of u (non fib guys) saying sell all the way up to these levels and now saying buy here 800 pips higher. good luck in your endeavors. i am still all ears like a whore if you can show me something better.Ignored
DislikedLol looks like someone got burnt and need to pick a fight over the internet lolIgnored
Disliked{quote} I get the feeling something that you don't listen. So, would u believe me if i told you that Euro before the end of 2015 will trade at 1.00 ? I told you last year when Euro was at 1.31 the Euro will reach 1.36 but if i remember correct , you exact words were \" Just be careful not to take a dump on u \". Lets call this the trade of 2014Ignored
Disliked{quote} what will be reached first? if a child pushed a buy or sell button here at 3734... would we go to 3716 or an = distance x2 or x3 higher.. 18 pips lower or 18, 36, 54, 68, pips higher.. 3802Ignored
DislikedLol looks like someone got burnt and need to pick a fight over the internet lolIgnored
Disliked{quote} i dont have a tf.. ... lets say 7744 and .9144 is being watched by some of us.. but u r me giving a # w/o a reason is just crap.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Don't ask me, ask them. Did you read Chicky's new thread (the rules-part)? Reasonable approaches are blooming and hopefully thriving. In the long run, not just for us, that's the better approach.Going to take a nap.