Disliked{quote} that 5 wave is only on M15 so not really going to be a deciding factor in a longer term move imo. I personally would just target the correction off that but each to there own of course.. I post a deeper analysis back on the 6th which is still valid for me. http://www.forexfactory.com/showthre...16#post6945416 edit: we got the pullback mentioned and you can find that detailed in my other posts on this thread.Ignored
I'm familiar with your analysis - like and agree a lot. Great and very helpful. Back in January, I was rather surprised with that 3500->3700 blowoff move you've circled as an outlier - had a strong daily key zone at 3460-3500 as potential R... became that not until after the blowoff tho.
Patience, persistence and probabilities.