DislikedTrust me M8 kibescorp knows a thing or two about losing. Last I heard his account was margin out for loading at 13165Ignored
I'm still trading with the first and only account I've ever had since starting trading, and you're on your ... what? Seventh?
This coming from the genius who blew his account trying to short from 1.2800 back in January without a stop loss ... and now trying to "start over" with your new FF account and username. Hilarious.
I'm afraid you don't quite have the BOLLOCKS to hold trades for more than a few seconds now, scalping for single-digit pips and hoping your platform doesn't freeze up before you get out of your trades ... because you blew all your money back in January when you were screaming about how the euro was going to plummet to 1.2000, then parity ... both here and on your YouTube account, trading without a SL and getting destroyed.