DislikedUnderstood and to be clear I have never being able to successfully sit on my hands long enough to achieve super high end returns. I am more accustomed today to choosing entries and having logical exits that are bound by either a set targer or having price action dictate when it is time to exit. I have found my account has been much healthier over the past 12-20 months by doing so and from a psychological point of view it is easier to accept a profit (or loss) on the balance sheet, not whilst it is floating around wildly in the unrealised...Ignored
the highlighted area are where i would like to comment on:
1- Trends describe the price behaviour & takes a loooooong time to reverse!
that's why patience is key in trend trading and i really do understand the emotional burden. here is something that helped me to transition to long term trend trading, when u exit ur 1.5:1 or 2:1 trades always leave a very small fragment of the position open and leave it for a couple of months/year
do that to all of your positions and you will be amazed on how large they grow over time, it was enough to make me reconsider my targets