Let's hear from Michelle Bachmann, your Preselected Next President:
“Tonight’s decision by S&P to downgrade our credit rating to AA+ is a historically significant and serious event for the United States. The United States has had a AAA credit rating since 1917. That rating has endured the great depression, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the terrorist attacks on 9/11. This President has destroyed the credit rating of the United States through his failed economic policies and his inability to control government spending by raising the debt ceiling.
“We were warned by all of the credit agencies that a failure to deal with our debt would lead to a downgrade in our credit rating, but instead he submitted a budget that had a $1.5 trillion deficit and then requested a $2.4 trillion blank check. President Obama is destroying the foundations of the U.S. economy one beam at a time. I call on the President to seek the immediate resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and to submit a plan with a list of cuts to balance the budget this year, turn our economy around and put Americans back to work.”
I call on President Obama, and Future President Bachmann to close our borders, evict illegal immigrants, impose tariff's on imports, and rebuild the manufacturing base that both the Democrats and Republicans dismantled in the name of 'Globalism'. Also, they can both start talking about getting back the 16 trillion bucks we 'lent' some 'mystery parties' during the meltdown of 2008.
Again, we'd like to know where the 2 trillion missing from the Pentagon prior to 9/11 went. Also, we'd like to know what happened to the 1.2 trillion in cash in the possesion of Iraq went during the invasion under Bush.
In short...we know this is a run up to ending social security and other 'entitlements' , a total crock of shit since Social Security is a cash positive proposition until 2014 or therabouts. Again, what happened to all the loot
taken from Social Security during the surplus years...and so on.
Also, please explain to the American people what you did with all the money you spent on the so called 'Moon Program' when we know you staged that shit with Stanley Kubrick. Was it for drugs?
Did you spend all the moon money on drugs or was it spent on weird shit involving black helicopters and mutilated cattle?
Please explain your plan for continued economic expansion in a world of finite resources. Is this like the 'Zero Point' energy version of financial responsability?
Also, can you please explain to the Chinese that we don't owe them a dime, since they already got paid in full by Billy Boy Clinton when he arranged for them to 'somehow come into possesion' of that
laptop at Los Alamos labs with the detailed blue prints of all our most sophisticated nuclear weapons representing 100's of MILLIONS of intelligent American worker man hours?
Not those idiot peasant chinese worker man hours they got over there. Chinks couldn't design a fucking working mouse trap much less an egg shaped plutonium pit, you dumb chink fuckers!
Also, can we now Lynch those fuckers at NASA that overode Morton Thiokol and launched the shuttle anyway killing the 9 crew on board? Can we please? We used to be a goddam COUNTRY
WORTH A DAMN, and now we're a third world shithole ruled by rappers and street scum wearing K mart suits selling Assfucking DVD's and fake pot on every street corner."
If I was American I would vote for this woman right now LOL
“Tonight’s decision by S&P to downgrade our credit rating to AA+ is a historically significant and serious event for the United States. The United States has had a AAA credit rating since 1917. That rating has endured the great depression, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the terrorist attacks on 9/11. This President has destroyed the credit rating of the United States through his failed economic policies and his inability to control government spending by raising the debt ceiling.
“We were warned by all of the credit agencies that a failure to deal with our debt would lead to a downgrade in our credit rating, but instead he submitted a budget that had a $1.5 trillion deficit and then requested a $2.4 trillion blank check. President Obama is destroying the foundations of the U.S. economy one beam at a time. I call on the President to seek the immediate resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and to submit a plan with a list of cuts to balance the budget this year, turn our economy around and put Americans back to work.”
I call on President Obama, and Future President Bachmann to close our borders, evict illegal immigrants, impose tariff's on imports, and rebuild the manufacturing base that both the Democrats and Republicans dismantled in the name of 'Globalism'. Also, they can both start talking about getting back the 16 trillion bucks we 'lent' some 'mystery parties' during the meltdown of 2008.
Again, we'd like to know where the 2 trillion missing from the Pentagon prior to 9/11 went. Also, we'd like to know what happened to the 1.2 trillion in cash in the possesion of Iraq went during the invasion under Bush.
In short...we know this is a run up to ending social security and other 'entitlements' , a total crock of shit since Social Security is a cash positive proposition until 2014 or therabouts. Again, what happened to all the loot
taken from Social Security during the surplus years...and so on.
Also, please explain to the American people what you did with all the money you spent on the so called 'Moon Program' when we know you staged that shit with Stanley Kubrick. Was it for drugs?
Did you spend all the moon money on drugs or was it spent on weird shit involving black helicopters and mutilated cattle?
Please explain your plan for continued economic expansion in a world of finite resources. Is this like the 'Zero Point' energy version of financial responsability?
Also, can you please explain to the Chinese that we don't owe them a dime, since they already got paid in full by Billy Boy Clinton when he arranged for them to 'somehow come into possesion' of that
laptop at Los Alamos labs with the detailed blue prints of all our most sophisticated nuclear weapons representing 100's of MILLIONS of intelligent American worker man hours?
Not those idiot peasant chinese worker man hours they got over there. Chinks couldn't design a fucking working mouse trap much less an egg shaped plutonium pit, you dumb chink fuckers!
Also, can we now Lynch those fuckers at NASA that overode Morton Thiokol and launched the shuttle anyway killing the 9 crew on board? Can we please? We used to be a goddam COUNTRY
WORTH A DAMN, and now we're a third world shithole ruled by rappers and street scum wearing K mart suits selling Assfucking DVD's and fake pot on every street corner."
If I was American I would vote for this woman right now LOL