DislikedEuro/Jpy 2 orders Sold yesterday at 117.86 closed at 116.55 today
Where are the illussional dreaming traders(or called traders) that where talking rubbish about above 118.00 or even 120, with no arrogance you need much time and years to learn forex well and most importantly is experience.
Go read my yesterday posts and learn, or what about that genius buying at 117.69..LOL, i hope you closed ur order at 1117.85 without dreaming of above 118.00..LOL
Anyway, this was my daily analysis for this pair today:
Euro/Jpy This pair is moving sideways...Ignored
this is not a car race or a gamble where some one can say 'i told you'.
i trade euro jpy since 2 years.
yesterday's setup was not so clear both for 116 area n 118 area.
117.85 is a good res level, but.... as you should know in your whole experience, how many times a resistance or a support holds to give you a SURE direction?
i post my charts here, my study, my trades.
sometimes i go wrong, sometimes i do it perfect.
trust me: i never said in my life 'i told you' or 'im better than you' or other things like those.
you are nobody to say something like this.
you have had 2 good entries for nice pips, i have had 15 good entries yesterday and maybe other 15 today (already 5 done) for other nice pips.
i posted here some days ago my daily setup chart. until above 115.70-116.00 the trend is up so i buy instead of shortin. this is my (and also other people) way of trading.
thank you for listening.
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