I notice that when the dow is down alot of the currency crosses are down when the dow rallies the crosses go up. But I do not totally understand the correlation or relation can someone please explain?
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DislikedI notice that when the dow is down alot of the currency crosses are down when the dow rallies the crosses go up. But I do not totally understand the correlation or relation can someone please explain?
DislikedI notice that when the dow is down alot of the currency crosses are down when the dow rallies the crosses go up. But I do not totally understand the correlation or relation can someone please explain?
DislikedI notice that when the dow is down alot of the currency crosses are down when the dow rallies the crosses go up. But I do not totally understand the correlation or relation can someone please explain?
DislikedThere is a good article that better explains what i was going to write at: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answ...orrelation.asp
Happy trading.