DislikedI am reading this thread for months now.
And ONE THING is obvious:
The posters here fall into several groups:
People who know what they are doing (e.g. cloggie, gator, t@rantula and a few more, sorry for not mentioning) and share their view. THANKS FOR THAT!
And then there is the group of members that step into this thread to piss the above mentioned off. After a few weeks they are gone again.
Sometimes it is entertaining and i really have to laugh. But i fear that those bastards cast out those i can learn from.
So.. F*ck off, bastards!Ignored
I need to write a Muppet scraper for this forum. I just need you all to upload the names to a database. Then I will write an ea that trades agaisnt them.
I'm studying for a database midterm, unable to trade or write code at the moment. Fyi keep an eye out for my Gator indicator (I love the sound of that)
edit:data mining midterm