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If you haven't made it yet, what makes you think you will? 212 replies
Alpari Direct Pro vs Alpari MT4 Pro 4 replies
You think you are good enough to analyze what system is this?? 7 replies
Do you really think a broker will let you get away with that? 4 replies
Disliked...As far as I know, recently the NFA banned cfd trading for americans, and fxpro only offers cfds, even their forex offer is cfd, not spot forex (they confirmed this to me on a live chat), so they have nothing to offer to americans, thanks to the regulators.Ignored
Dislikedand yes, new Deutsche Bank prestigious hugely expensive HQs buildings are build on clients money as well, isnt it?Ignored
DislikedNew to the forex and im testing many brokers demos at the moment - so far FxPro is doing a good job with demo.
im also testing oanda tdfx and alpari to name a few, fxpro is easily in the top two of those im testing thus far....will see how it progressesIgnored
DislikedI used to like fxpro. Some year ago. After i managed to 9x my account(yes, kamikaze account), in couple weeks. When they noticed my gains they started to fuck with me. Lots of re-quotas, disconnections, delays etc.. and all the tricks they could use. They are definedly running virtual dealer plugin. It was very hard to trade in fast moving markets. I traded mostly intraday breakouts. They obviously put me on the "profitable traders list". Got my money out and havent put anything back after that. That was almost a year ago already.Ignored
DislikedDoggy places like London you meant? And doggy regulators like FSA.
on top, check for fxpro, you'll find all info that you are looking for.
couple last notes from my side:
1. it clearly says that they are market makers. and i dont see anything bad with that. i always get filled fully. if not - just switch to saxo or ig, all of them are MM. fact.
2. i have never been given and/or advised of what...Ignored
DislikedSquaw. I am new to this and have just opened up a demo ac with fxpro. Mainly because of the spreads which you pointed out in an earlier posting, but also to learn the MT4 platform, which seems to be essential in fx trading.
Now my questions:
1. Does it make any difference to trading fx if they offer only cfd's?
2. You mention IG which I already use, but they don't use MT4.
Any info/advice will be welcome.Ignored
DislikedI used to like fxpro. Some year ago. After i managed to 9x my account(yes, kamikaze account), in couple weeks. When they noticed my gains they started to fuck with me. Lots of re-quotas, disconnections, delays etc.. and all the tricks they could use. They are definedly running virtual dealer plugin. It was very hard to trade in fast moving markets. I traded mostly intraday breakouts. They obviously put me on the "profitable traders list". Got my money out and havent put anything back after that. That was almost a year ago already.Ignored