DislikedI cocked this up when I calculated it at 0120 Sunday morning, still wankered from Friday/Sat night.
Here's my guide to the Euro for Sun/Mon follow at your own peril. All times in GMT
22:00 2376
23:00 2340
00:00 2295/2300
01:00 2226
02:00 2181
03:00 Bottom Reversal Price to be announced...Ignored
nevermind. already found it:
CEST – Central European Summer Time
Current time in Amsterdam
Monday, May 17, 2010 at 1:43:04 AM CEST
Amsterdam will stay on CEST until Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 3:00 AM
when clocks are moved to Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 02:00:00 CET
Time zone offset: UTC + 2 hours