Trade What You See and Not What You Think

MT4: how to change "EURUSD" to "#EURUSD"? 3 replies
Re: EurUsd short term 15 replies
did oanda just drop its spread for eurusd to 1 pip? 11 replies
EA for multiple lot limit order for EURUSD 0 replies
NFP nice bump up on EURUSD 2 replies
Dislikedthat is why its important to follow a trading system. follow it and dont listen to all the news crap. its all noise and you will go crazy figuring which is whichIgnored
Dislikedthat is why its important to follow a trading system. follow it and dont listen to all the news crap. its all noise and you will go crazy figuring which is whichIgnored
DislikedJim Rogers is of an opinion that if Greece is removed from Euro partnership EUR will take off.Ignored
DislikedWhen Germany decided to take EURO then you know that EURO will last at least forever...Ignored
DislikedWhen Germany decided to take EURO then you know that EURO will last at least forever...Ignored
DislikedI have never met one person who even remotely supported this. I wish I was surprised that it passed.Ignored
DislikedJim Rogers is of an opinion that if Greece is removed from Euro partnership EUR will take off.
Apparently Rogers is holding USD long according to a recent interview. Like yourself he doesn't believe USD has a bright future, but nevertheless he is long USD.Ignored
DislikedVERY interesting. Thanks for posting that. A lot of countries are supposedly out of recession now but Global debt is getting worse and worse. I don't get it.Ignored
Dislikedthat is why its important to follow a trading system. follow it and dont listen to all the news crap. its all noise and you will go crazy figuring which is whichIgnored