entered but this is not my style of trading.. SL is still ridiculously small still
Invest in alarm clocks
How do you know all the positions held by big players? 25 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Central Banks and Big Players: Slight change in code reqd 7 replies
Japanese housewives are wrecking the forecasts of big players! 25 replies
Big players and Forex 4 replies
Dislikedsick actionentering on daily support and resistance levels is a win-win situation with my trading system
unfortunately, these type of support levels on a daily chart are broken only a few times per year. I could count them one hand.... from where the importance of being a full-time dedicated trader.Ignored
DislikedHi Tony,
Do you look for thin-market volatility specifically as part of this trading strategy?Ignored
DislikedExactly, when the market is already wild it's too late!!!!!!!!
10 pip candles are out of proportions since they come too often and are irrelevant. You have to jump on the first one and ride the train... it's often too late if the volatility is too big afterIgnored
Dislikedhey, could you kindly elaborate on what you look for on the 10 sec chart?
Flags etc...any charts?
Dislikedthe fool can you please show us more examples of your trading methods charts etc?Ignored