Michael Marcus....this guy is Trading.

TOP 100 best edges on forex charts: post good edges here 116 replies
Were you one of the world's best traders trading demo? 47 replies
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The Best Place In The World to Trade Forex 1 reply
Trading plan to be in the same league as the best traders in the world 14 replies
DislikedDear All..
I have been trying to search top forex trader in the world on the net but no success. You can find, lot of info on Stocks Trader, hedge Fund, Commodities E.T.C but i couldnt find any single person who just trades Forex.
I hope i am wrong and there are succesful people trading forex and are also on Billionaire list.
Anyway way, if you know any names, please let me know. I would like to know about them, their perosnalities e.t.c.
DislikedAll successful forex traders started out trading stocks, bonds, funds, etc. They did not start off trading the Forex. Once they ventured into the world of Forex and became more successful, they still continue to diversify their portfilios by also investing in stocks, bonds, funds, etc.Ignored
when one is poor, "things" are everything, when one is middle class, "things "are for status and sometimes comfort, and when one is rich, "things" are for tax write offs !
Trust funds do not lend themselves to forex, but rather to stocks and bonds, and trust funds are needed by the very rich (and often the not so rich !)
DislikedCentral Banks
They have tons of money they literally manipulate the prices.Ignored
DislikedDear All..
I have been trying to search top forex trader in the world on the net but no success. You can find, lot of info on Stocks Trader, hedge Fund, Commodities E.T.C but i couldnt find any single person who just trades Forex.
I hope i am wrong and there are succesful people trading forex and are also on Billionaire list.
Anyway way, if you know any names, please let me know. I would like to know about them, their perosnalities e.t.c.
DislikedDear All..
I have been trying to search top forex trader in the world on the net but no success. You can find, lot of info on Stocks Trader, hedge Fund, Commodities E.T.C but i couldnt find any single person who just trades Forex.
I hope i am wrong and there are succesful people trading forex and are also on Billionaire list.
Anyway way, if you know any names, please let me know. I would like to know about them, their perosnalities e.t.c.
DislikedDoesn;t Victor Niederhoffer trade currencies as well? The guy used to work for Soros. He lost everything when the Thai baht collapsed back in the 1997 crisis, but he is now back in the gameIgnored
DislikedYeah, that's the same guy who said in one of his book that trend-following systems and system analysis in general do not work.
This guy is a total joke, a loser who is giving us lessons! He could have made a fortune just "following" the collapse of the baht but no, trend-following is not good enough for him.Ignored
DislikedWhat is system analysis ?
I can't really call him a joke. At least he's still richer than most of us even after losing that much money. LOLIgnored
DislikedHe has his own hedge funds now which i think were ranked as the highest performing for 2-3 yrs in a row, something like 50% a year?Ignored
DislikedWhat is system analysis ?
I can't really call him a joke. At least he's still richer than most of us even after losing that much money. LOLIgnored