Trading correlation pairs by using the other pairs 781 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Problem: S&R/Trend-lines appear in other pairs 19 replies
Charts, Charts, Charts! 1 reply
Link Charts & Floating Charts 4 replies
Disliked{quote} valid? Better 1.2950, but I have a filling that GU want fly with GoldIgnored
Disliked{quote} To be very hones I think bounce up has started. It should keep going up. Even 1.3060 would be great.Ignored
DislikedEU and GU Buy pullbacks, targets much higher for both before NFP. Ride the pump.Ignored
DislikedEU and GU Buy pullbacks, targets much higher for both before NFP. Ride the pump.Ignored